"Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day again."

That’s how I feel about photography.

A passion of mine for many years, I can honestly say that getting the camera out is never a chore.

Whether I’m shooting on location, editing a suite of nature shots or running around after kids to capture that perfect family shot, every moment makes me smile.

Why? Because we’re so very lucky to live in a country full of natural beauty - constantly changing season-to-season - that keeps things fresh and interesting. Nothing makes me happier than being able to capture this stunning landscape to share with others.

And as for family photography, this became a real passion project after starting my own family.

After moving to Australia from the UK with my husband in 2008, it’s been a wild ride!

3 states, 4 kids and a couple of dogs, before settling into the gorgeous seaside suburb of Silver Sands on the Fleurieu Peninsula south of Adelaide. It’s been an exciting journey (and a bit of a blur!) - but one I wouldn’t change for the world!

As a result, creating laid-back, playful family photography sessions where everyone has the space and confidence to be themselves is what I love to do - the photos naturally flow from there. I also adore including pets, because some of the best shots come from the unexpected chaos they bring!

For me, there’s nothing more satisfying than capturing a fleeting moment in time and turning it into a precious memory that will last a lifetime.

From exquisite landscape, nature and underwater photos, to spectacular drone imagery, creative angles and action shots, I hope you love my collection of images, and that you find the perfect prints to grace your home.

It’s certainly been my pleasure to capture them for you.

Katie x